Category: Women’s Team

Six Nations Rugby Watch Parties!

Join Harrisburg Rugby for watch parties every Saturday during the Six Nations Rugby tournament!

Week 1: Saturday, February 1, 2025: 9:00am to 1:00pm – The Scoody’s house
Week 2: Saturday, February 8, 2025: 9:00am to 1:00pm – The Bressi’s house
Week 3: Saturday, February 22, 2025: 9:00am to 1:00pm – Reapsome’s house
Week 4: Saturday, March 8, 2025: 9:00am to 1:00pm – LOOKING FOR A HOST

Check the events calendar for more details on each watch party.

leadership graphic

HRFC Announces New Club Leadership

Harrisburg Rugby would like to take this opportunity to introduce our club, fans, friends, and family to our newly-elected club leaders. These individuals were nominated and subsequently elected to their leadership rules by their peers within the club.

All positions are effective January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2024.

Congratulations to our new Board of Directors!

Board Chair: Courtney Reapsome
Vice Chair: Eric Kovac
President: Andy Vazquez
Secretary: Georgia Goodman
Treasurer: Erin Strelec
Men’s Coach: Scott Strelec
Women’s Coach: Ellie Hillard
Men’s Player Rep: Juan Acevedo
Women’s Player Rep: Melissa Pattison
Alumni Rep: Julie Hillard
Men’s Team Captain: Billy Trentzch
Women’s Team Captain: Lorissa Luckenbill
Futures Committee Rep: Adi Horrell

Congratulations to our new Committee Chairs!

Financial Committee: Emily McHenry
Fundraising Committee: Juan Acevedo
Futures Committee: Adi Horrell
Grounds Committee: Lindsay Graves
HRFC Association: Jenna Griffith
HRFC Foundation: Ali Liquori
Harrisburg Sevens Tournament Committee: Scott Strelec
Men’s Team Match Secretary: Dean Ashton
Social Committee: Jeff Lancione
Touring Committee: Scott Strelec
Website Committee: Eric Kovac
Women’s Team Match Secretary: Mel Lawrenson

The newly-elected board members and committee chairs look forward to carrying on the dream of making Harrisburg Rugby Football Club a premier destination for the rugby community!

Harrisburg Rugby Women’s Team Coaching Search

Harrisburg Rugby Football Club (HRFC), established in 1969, has been growing the game of rugby in the Central Pennsylvania region for over 50 years! As part of that development, HRFC has enjoyed multiple trips to divisional and national championships, and is well on its way to building THE premiere rugby complex on the East Coast.

As part of our continued club growth, the HRFC Women are seeking a collaborative and analytical Coach to join its team. The HRFC Women’s side include seasoned veterans who remain open to skills- and tactical development, as well as a growing number of newer players who have demonstrated continued investment in learning more about the game.

To that end, we are seeking a coach who is familiar with, and invested in, the concepts of “progressive rugby” to continue to build our program and our players, through a focus on rugby fundamentals and skills-building, as well as team culture improvement. The ideal coach will be able to leverage their experience to provide variety (and fun!) in practice plans, identify the roster and manage the sideline during games, and offer post-game analysis, to include team film session reviews.

As outlined in the HRFC by-laws, Coach responsibilities will also include attending, and reporting team activity at, board meetings, and working with the 7s/Touring and Grounds Committee and Match Secretaries.

Ideally, the Coach will be able to attend at least one practice per week (either Tuesdays or Thursdays) as well as Saturday matches -inclusive of B-Side matches. (Home matches are currently held in Highspire, PA.)

This is an opportunity to join a growing but seasoned club that has repeatedly earned spots at the DII National Championship. Although we are proud of our accomplishments, we recognize that, under the right leadership, we can continue to grow the game through a communicative and collaborative partnership!

Compensation for this coaching position is open to discussion and negotiation with the HRFC Board of Directors.

If interested in coaching the HRFC Women’s Side, please email your “rugby resume” to

HRFC Pink Out 2022

Join Harrisburg Rugby on October 29, 2022 at Memorial Field in Highspire for our annual #HRFCPINKOUT, benefitting PA Breast Cancer Coalition!

Our women’s team kicks off at 11:00am vs Northeast Irish

Our men’s team kicks off at 1:00pm vs Northeast Irish

Official pink out shirts are available for pre-order until October 14, 2022 on our webstore by clicking here!