Chris Ambrogi Award

Men’s Team Most Improved Player

A player who has shown the most improvement in their rugby skills and understanding of the game throughout the progression of the spring and fall season.

Award RecipientYear
Steve Handford2024
Keller Hess2023
Sean Collins2021-2022
Brad Hanshaw2019-2020
Eric Kovac2018-2019
Adam Bingnear2016-2017
Brian Katarski2015
Anthony Hoover2014
Jeff Fager2013
Brett Shaw2012
L.J. Miller2011
Elliott Warrenfeltz2010
Noah Mumma2007
Andy Vazquez2006
Justin Piro2005
Grant Walter2004
Andy Dunlap2003
Marcel Tassin2002
Mike Kern2001
John Scheidemann2000
Rodney Hake1999
Butch Hake1998
Joe Pavuscko1997
Sal Montagha1996
Larry Sweger1995
Frank Cassidy1994
Mike Walker1993
Jeff Cook1992
Eric McGee1991
Greg Ball1990
Randy Nolan1989
Cary Ohl1988
Ron Leuenberger1987
Tony Trost1986
Dave Perry1985
Randy Leisure1984
Fred Flynn1983
Ron Rash1982