President’s Cup

Men’s Team Most Valuable Player

This award was donated by past Harrisburg Rugby Football Club President Dr. John Reidell in 1971. The award is presented to the person who contributed the most on the pitch – the most valuable player or best player of the year.

Award RecipientYear
Peter Tantillo2024
Peter Tantillo2023
Peter Tantillo2021-2022
Pat Manning2019-2020
Peter Tantillo2018-2019
Pat Manning2016-2017
Justin Piro2015
Justin Piro2014
Scott Strelec2013
Elliott Warrenfeltz2012
Kevin Messner2011
Grant Walter2010
Grant Walter2007
Zach Khuri2006
Grant Walter2005
Jamie Forbes2004
Jamie Forbes2003
Jamie Forbes
Steve Crozier
Larry Sweger2001
Mike Archbold2000
Robert Rhubright1999
Jeremy Beacher1998
Geoff Welsh1997
Jamie Forbes
Robert Rhubright
Geoff Welsh1995
Ed Robinson1994
Greg Ball1993
Greg Ball1992
Tony Trost1991
Mark Nuttall1990
Mark Nuttall1989
Hitoshi Sakai1988
Ron Leuenberger1987
Dave Perry1986
Glenn Williams1985
Duane Pellitier1984
Tim Seesholtz1983
Harry Lingle1982
Paul Kruis1981
Chris Ambrogi1980
Harry Lingle1978
Bruce Evans1977
Dan Dougherty1976
Mike Sholtis1975
C. Richie Via1974
Bruce Searfoss1973
Ed Smart1972
Jeff Geiman1971