Timothy E. Hake Award

Men’s Team Rookie of the Year

A new player who contributed the most on the field – No prior rugby experience.

Award RecipientYear
Ben Wasson
Paul McKenzie
Steve Handford2023
Brady Frantz2021-2022
Bill Rieck2019-2020
Jeff Hanshaw2018-2019
Peter Tantillo2016-2017
Dylan Schell2015
Nick Khuri2014
David Warrenfeltz2013
Jeff Fager2012
Tim Garrett2011
Ben Lengle2010
Mike Bunn2007
Dallas Kirk2006
Roland Acevedo2005
Ed Baker2004
Grant Walter2003
John Rutt2002
Sean O'Neil2001
Eric Jones2000
Caleb May1999
Marcus Daly1998
Terry Kirby1997
Gary Witmer1996
Matt Aument1995
Mark Gruber1994
Charlie Miller1993
Bruce Althouse1992
Jay Abom1991
Chris Spofford1990
Jamie Flowers1989
Robert Rhubright1988
Bill Bennett1987
Timmy Bucks1986
Scott Hill1985
Bob Ortenzio1984
George Gula1983
Alan Cahall1982