HRFC Award Winners

Club Awards

Honorary Life Members
This award was created for the players, administrators, supporters, sponsors or anyone else that the Executive Board feels deserves the honor. In order to be nominated for Life Membership one would have to have shown in the past and in the present that they are dedicated to the livelihood and the longevity of the Harrisburg Rugby Football Club.

Britannia Award – Club Contributor
This award was donated by two Englishmen Brian Lloyd and Ken Kershan. The award is presented to the person who contributed the most to the operation of the club. Simply put – the person donated time and effort to ensure the rugby club functioned as both a club and a team socially and competitively.

Sherri Magnuson Award – Most Dedicated
This award is presented to the person most dedicated to the successful operation of the club. Simply put – the person donated time and effort to ensure the rugby club functioned as both a club and a team socially and competitively.

Harrisburg Men’s Awards

President’s Cup – Most Valuable Player
This award was donated by past Harrisburg Rugby Football Club President Dr. John Reidell in 1971. The award is presented to the person who contributed the most on the pitch – the most valuable player or best player of the year.

Chris Ambrogi Award – Most Improved Player
A player who has shown the most improvement in their rugby skills and understanding of the game throughout the progression of the spring and fall season.

Timothy E. Hake Award – Rookie of the Year
A new player who contributed the most on the field – No prior rugby experience.

W.A. Pagats Award – Most Games Played
This award is awarded to the single player who has played in the most combined games in the spring and fall seasons. This generally requires that the recipient play two matches (both “A” and “B”) on many Saturdays.

Iron Man Award
The Iron Man Award is awarded to the player who manages to play in every match throughout the year, whether it is “A” or “B” and includes both the fall and spring seasons.

Harrisburg Women’s Awards

Harold Lingle Award – Most Valuable Player
This award was donated by Harold Lingle, a long time member of the Harrisburg Rugby Football Club and coach of the women’s team in 2005. The award is presented to the person who contributed the most on the pitch – the most valuable player or best player of the year.

Edris and Green Award – Most Improved Player
This award was donated by Wade Edris and Karen Green. The award is presented to a player who has shown the most improvement in their rugby skills and understanding of the game throughout the progression of the spring and fall season

Harrisburg Rugby Super Secret Society Award – Rookie of the Year
This award was donated by the Harrisburg Rugby Super Secret Society. The award is presented to a player who contributed the most on the field – No prior rugby experience.

Your Name Here Award – Most Games Played
This award is awarded to the single player who has played in the most combined games in the spring and fall seasons. This generally requires that the recipient play two matches (both “A” and “B”) on many Saturdays.

Iron Man Award
The Iron Man Award is awarded to the player who manages to play in every match throughout the year, whether it is “A” or “B” and includes both the fall and spring seasons.